
Movie Night!

The Namesake
When:  Monday, June 15th at 6:30pm
Location:  Reinkensmeyer's home - 10263 SW Daphne Place, Pdx 97219
Heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served; students should bring their favorite movie snack to share.
Parents are welcome but not required, we will have a short meeting prior to the movie to plan for the July meeting date.
RSVP to Lillian at lreinkensmeyer@comcast.net

Vindalho Fundraiser Dinner

When:   Wednesday, May 27, 2009; 5-9pm
2007 & 2009 Traveler's Reunion will be at 6:30pm. 
RSVP:   Kaytee Caroll on Face Book to reserve your space. Traveler's parents are encouraged to attend but make your own reservations as the students will all be sitting together.
Where:  Vindalho Restaurant
2038 SE Clinton St (corner of Clinton & 21st)
Reservations:  Make it by calling 503-467-4550 or www.vindalho.com
Who: Any and everyone! Tell your family and friends!


Meeting Announcement

May 16, 2009 at 2:00pm
Riverdale High School
Need to do/or bring:
1. Passport Expiration should be later than June 2010. Apply ASAP.
2. Hold off on reading "The World is Flat", India sections - details TBA at May meeting.
3. Bio-clip, we will coach you on creating a short information film that will be culturally sensitive to those that we are targeting. Home, sports, school, driving, shopping...
3. Bring laptop, if you have one. Galyn will be schooling us on how to enter and record on Google Calendar and view Blog.
4. Bring summer vacations/camps schedule to place on calendar at May meeting.